Internet Direct Mail Is Different: 14 Things To Remember
by Aran S. Kay

Internet Direct Mail (IDM) and Traditional Direct Mail (TDM)
both have the same goals in mind. They are to generate leads or

However, marketers need to respect that online media and print
media present different hurdles in achieving this goal. Some of
these hurdles will require that copy be written differently for
each media. And some not.

Here is a list of 14 things you should remember when writing
copy for Internet Direct Mail. And how each one relates to
Traditional Direct Mail.

  1.   FROM and SUBJECT are very important. During the anthrax
scare in America, these two items became very important in TDM
because any given envelope could contain a deadly poison. And
while this fear has passed for TDM, it is still very present in
IDM. That's because any given e-mail could contain a computer
virus. Prospects are more apt to simply delete a message they 
are unsure of nowadays than risk opening it and ruining their

  Here are a couple of tips to solve this problem:

  -FROM line should display someone the readers will trust

  -for house lists, the prospect has presumably bought from the
company before and would trust them. So include some company
identifier: "FROM: Macromedia FLASH Team"

  -SUBJECT line should be treated like envelope teaser copy. You
have to give the prospect some reason to open the e-mail to see
what is inside. "SUBJECT: Try The New Update For Your Macromedia

  2.   Your first paragraph or two should contain a mini-version
of your whole e-mail. So instead of carefully spreading out your
4 P's (Promise, Picture, Proof, Push) or AIDA (Attention,
Interest, Desire, Action), you should try to get all these
elements in early. Online users have little patience in general
and they need to know your whole offer fast.

  3.   For readers willing to spend the time to read every word
of your e-mail (God bless them), you can expand on your opening
later. Just remember that less people will read right to the end
than will scan your first couple of paragraphs. So include all
your best stuff up front.

  4.   Avoid using "hard-sell" techniques in IDM. These tend to
produce poor results. Readers on the internet expect to see
information. The information can be on the benefits of your
product and how to order, but the tone must remain helpful. If
it's slick, your email will be trashed.

  5.   You should include multiple response options for your
prospects. But ALWAYS remember to have a web-based response form.
Many online users prefer to keep the entire transaction online.
That way the user keeps control and does not have to worry about
more sales talk or being upsold when they phone in.

  6.   Limit the amount of click throughs in your IDM piece.
Usually only the first 2 or 3 get used. The rest are ignored.

  7.   Premiums still work online. Maybe even better. You have
the opportunity online to animate your premiums in action or even
make them interactive. Try this out and see how it effects your

  8.   Sweepstakes work great online. This is because it is
usually much easier for the prospect to quickly fill out their
information on an online form than to fill out a paper-based form
and then have to mail it.

  9.   Avoid the word FREE in the subject line. FREE is too
blatantly promotional a word for people to bother opening your
e-mail. Besides that, many online users now employ "spam filters"
which work to screen out unwanted mail. FREE is often a word that
these filters pick up and then they'll delete your message before
it ever reaches the prospect's inbox.

  10.   A headline is a headline is a headline. Start your email
off with one that will draw your reader into the package. Try to
make it different from your SUBJECT line. Your best benefit up
front usually does the trick. Injecting a news feel and some
self-interest doesn't hurt either.

  11.   ALWAYS include an opt-out statement! The only thing more
powerful than good will towards your company is ill will. Don't
make any prospect feel like they've been spammed. Include an
un-subscribe or remove statement at the end of your e-mail.

  "We here at ABC Company respect your online privacy. If you
received this message in error or simply do not wish to receive
further e-mails from us, please reply to this e-mail and type
REMOVE in the subject line."

  12.   For once, shorter is better. In TDM, we all know that
long copy generally works better. But in IDM, brevity is the key.
If some of your prospects require more information before they
make a purchasing decision, include a click-through to an
expanded version of your e-mail.

  13.   Remember in IDM, you can use viral marketing techniques.
This is not possible with TDM as you cannot tell a prospect to
make 10 copies of your message and then pass them on to neighbors
and friends. But in IDM, make sure the prospect understands that
your fantastic deal is not exclusive to them. They should pass on
this message to others they think would be interested.

  14.   Online users prefer free trials or bill me later offers
to money-back guarantees. While online transactions are rising
every day. Some prospects are still wary about sending their
credit card info over the internet. They would much rather just
send their shipping info. Try the product for a while. And then
choose their payment option when the time comes.

Aran Kay is a marketing consultant and freelance copywriter with
experience working for Nintendo, Direct Energy, Kellogg's and
more. He has written numerous marketing articles and includes a
selection of them on his web site. is
also your source for "The 52 Best Marketing Web Sites." It's a
great resource and yours FREE just for visiting his web site.
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